1. Contrary to some belief permanent waves are not permanent and unless your hair has some natural wave it should have a perm to help support the style.
2. Your experienced professional hairstylist should discuss your hair care problems plus the style and type perm best suited for you and your hair prior to the permanent.
3. You should expect your permanent to relax approximately fifteen percent (15%) after the first shampoo and style. It is always advisable to wait at least twenty four hours before shampooing the new permanent and remember that constant blow drying and stretching with the styling brush or curling iron requires the hair to be conditioned during each shampoo to help it keep its elasticity and sheen.
4. It is wise to let the Stylist do your style within one week after the perm to see that the condition and results are satisfactory. The Stylist and Salon will be glad and happy to correct any permanent that does not perform as you and the stylist agree it should after this service.
5. With the newer Styles of today and the fast pace of our society many people choose to do their own hair. Most Salons will be glad to prescribe the proper P.H. balanced shampoo and conditioners you should use to keep your CROWNING GLORY looking healthy and alive.