While checking with my friend for her next tip from Chit Chat about the Arbonne lotion for one’s legs she sent me this tip on how to pluck your eyebrows. You’ve all seen those eyebrows that looked as though they’d been thinned and arched by a pair of pliers in the hands of a very inept mechanic. That wholesale, hit and miss method of eyebrow treatment can ruin an otherwise perfect job of grooming. To do the eyebrows correctly, first apply a hot wet towel to the area. Then brush the eye brows smooth. This will reveal the “strays” and you can begin the tweezer operations. Get the hairs between the brows then catch the ones below the brow line. Finally and very carefully pluck the hairs above the line but don’t touch that main eye brow line! Pull the skin tight with one hand while you pluck with the other hand and pull in the direction the hair grows. Hope to get more information about Chit Chat's Arbonne products soon.
If you don't have the time at home or can't see to get your eyebrows in shape, professional waxing is always a great idea. You don't have to have an appointment in most salons and its relatively inexpensive. If you're on a budget visit your local Cosmetology school. The prices are great and the students work hard to do a good job because they are graded on their work!