I found out from my friend that Chit Chat had some tips about her dandruff problem. She says use a small nail brush to really scrub your scalp. Seems like a lot of trouble to me but Chit Chat says after you work up a good lather, part the strands of hair into small bunches and get down to the scalp with the brush. I tried this but had to get a friend to use the brush. She says to pay particular attention to the front of your hair where it grows up from the forehead. This should be beneficial to the scalp and dandruff seems to take a little longer showing up again when the brush has been used. You should then use a good antiseptic. Chit Chat says Sea Breeze is great. Wonder why those Dandruff Shampoo folks don’t tell us this. I used their shampoo once and it made my hair real oily. That Chit Chat must really know what she’s talking about.