Saturday, August 4, 2007

Don't wear a Mask

My friend told me that Chit Chat says “Don’t wear a mask. Didn’t understand what she meant ‘til she explained that a beauty mask should only be worn to costume balls. You should use your make-up to enhance the good points of your features—not cover up the bad ones. Use shades of rouge and lipstick which are becoming to you---not necessarily the shades that are all the rage this particular season. Use a good foundation, take pains with the job and you’ll always be well groomed! I know this sounds easy but I asked my friend to see if Chit Chat could explain this a little more in detail. Will let you know when I get the answer.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Take care of that Red Nose

Chit Chat says “You can’t get a head cold from cosmetics." However, when the cold is gone your road back to an attractive appearance will be a much shorter one if you’ve had the fortitude, even in misery, to do your best by your face. That red nose won’t be so red and the skin on your face and neck won’t be quite so dry if there has been a liberal nightly creaming. Your hair will still resemble hair instead of dry grass if you’ve brushed it regularly and possibly applied a little conditioner. The worse thing about the damage that a cold does to your appearance is the coincidental lack of desire on your part to do anything about it. It’ll pay you to make an extra effort though because the sooner you’re looking right, the sooner you’ll be feeling right. I've been practiceing this before Chit Chat sent this tip to my friend.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Check your Stocking Seams

Chit Chat said she remembers her Grand Ma use to always remind her Mom to check her stocking seams before she went out. That was before my time since we ladies don’t wear those things now. The only time I’ve seen stocking seams was in some old movies. Anyhow, don't be a blur, she’s right we should check our make-up outline. Is there powder in the edges of your hair or on your eyelashes or eyebrows? If so just brush it out. Does your makeup leave a visible line somewhere between your throat and the neckline of your dress? Is your lipstick outline a little ragged? Correct these things and make it a habit to check them always before going out. It’s attention to these little details that mark the well groomed woman.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Why not count your Assets?

My friend told me that Chit Chat says to count your assets and don’t fret over your liabilities. I thought she meant my money but she meant our appearance. Pretty well cared for hair can more than offset a nose that’s - - - Well, not your best feature. Nicely shaped lips can draw attention from a receding chin and so on. Concentrate on your good points. Hair, hands, eyes, lips---and learn to make the very most of what nature gave you. Do that and you’d be surprised at how many people, in discussing you will say. “She’s very attractive, isn’t she?” WOW!! I can really use this advice.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Changing your Hair Style

You’re a regular client of your local Beauty Salon. You feel at home there and they know what you want and just how you like it styled. However, you’re thinking seriously of changing your hair-do and wonder if maybe a visit to this fellow with the foreign sounding name might not result in a miraculously becoming style for your friends to be envious over. Bosh! The people in your regular Salon know all the latest and best hair styles. They have to! Also they know your hair and what can and cannot be done with it better than any stranger could possibly know. If you want a new hair style, consult your own Stylist first. You’ll probably be better pleased in the long run and you won’t have to break your beauty budget. Chit Chat’s advice is, just don’t be a shop hopper.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Make sure your Lipstick enhances your skin tones

Hi, it’s me again!. My friend emailed me some good information from Chit Chat about lipstick colors. I thought I understood because I’ve been experimenting since my Mom finally let me start wearing some. Chit Chat says if you’re a light blonde with blue eyes, stick with pinks and light reds. If your coloring is a little darker choose a slightly darker red but avoid those with the deeper purple shades. If you’re a definite brunette with dark eyes and olive skin a rich crimson lipstick could be yours. And if you’re a redhead just use the pink to red shades. Anyhow Chit Chat says you’ll still have to experiment to find your best colors but these suggestions may save a little time by narrowing your choice. Looks like Chit Chat did it again.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Apply the Lipstick to your Natural Lines

My friend says here comes Mother Nature by Chit Chat. Her advice is that we should try to improve on Nature but don’t try to be “Mother Nature.” When applying lipstick, never try to create a mouth shape that is entirely different from your own. Just stick to the natural lines, adding just a trifle if your lips are thin and enhancing the natural curves a bit. Always use a color that blends with the natural color tones of your skin. A lip brush helps you get a clear natural outline. Just follow the curve of the lips with your brush and it will make it easier to fill in with your lipstick. My friend said she will have some good advice about how to choose the right color according to your skin tones and hair color in her next tip. So stayed tuned.