So, remember most heart murmurs do not require any treatment--no medicine, surgery, or anything like that; but doctors do like to periodically evaluate the murmur just to make sure the heart murmur hasn't changed and that the heart is still functioning well. But, it's always important to try to use your healthy lifestyle habits like proper nutrition, no smoking, regular exercise to keep the heart strong and healthy. BUT, if the murmur is caused from a birth defect or the valves become severly diseased, then other treatments are needed including medicines. Most of the time, even with "normal" murmurs (no treatment needed), you do have to take antibiotics for procedures such as such as when you go to the dentist for routine cleanings, fillings, and other things or any type of other surgery.But, remember that most murmurs are not serious and many people have them and lead normal lives. Just if you are identified with a murmur, your doctor will certainly monitor it throughout your life. In fact, I found out I had a "normal" murmur when I was about 20 years old, and I'm healthy and have never had any problems. So, I hope this answered your question, and if you too have a murmur, try not to worry and just let your doctor evaluate it and determine if any treatment is necessary. BUT, keep in mind, very few people have serious heart murmurs resulting from major defects and very few people need treatment.