I just found out from Georgie that Chit Chat is the Educational Director of a Cosmetology School. It’s sure nice now that I know all the tips and advice comes from a professional adviser. Her latest tip is sound advice. I can remember in the Harper Method School I attended it was mandatory that a thorough brushing was performed before any one was shampooed. So, she says, use that brush and use it often! Every woman should give her hair a thorough brushing every single day and you’ll be surprised with the improvement you’ll see after just one week. Try it this way. Lean over so your hair falls forward and beginning at the nape of the neck, brush over the scalp and clear out to the hair ends. Work all the way around your head with the same stroke and let your scalp feel those bristles. Drag the brush through the hair with a good strong pull. If you’re doing the job correctly your arms will tire and your whole scalp will tingle. Remember, everyday for a week. Then check results. They’ll be there!
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