Georgie said Chit Chat told her that the following tip was great and was best when you got real tired and or had a slight headache. You should start by putting your elbows on your knees with your head in your hands. That position could indicate sorrow or maybe a bad headache. However, in this instance it merely illustrates a good position from which to give your self a good scalp massage. To get the best results you have to make your scalp move, slide around on your head and you have to exert some pressure. Move the ends of the fingers around, pressing firmly so that you can feel your scalp wrinkle and slide. Keep it up for several minutes each time and do it often. If the scalp is tight and won’t move or wrinkle it is a sign of tenseness. You should then relax and continue until you get results. It’s one of the keys to healthy beautiful hair.
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