Hi, it’s me again with another Chit Chat tip about your manicure. She says you can learn a lot if it’s possible to have a professional manicuring job done ever so often. Most of us can do a pretty good job but an occasional visit to the professional manicurist for shaping of the nails and cuticle is important. It’s much easier to keep your hands looking nice with your home treatments after the manicurist gives you a foundation on which to work. You can improve your nails appearance by buffing away any bumps with a soft buffer. You should be careful to rub softly so as not harm your nails. Next use a small amount of cuticle oil and massage it into the cuticle before pushing back the cuticle with a cotton wrapped orangewood stick. It would be better to use a pair of cuticle nippers to trim away any hangnails. I’ve been doing this anyhow so I agree with Chit Chat. My friend says Chit Chat promised to give her more tips on how to properly apply your nail polish to keep it from chipping.
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