Well, I finally got a tip to help me with my nails. “After every shampoo your nails you should do.” Pretty corny poetry Chit Chat! She says the best time to give yourself a manicure is right after you’ve shampooed your hair. At this time the cuticle is soft and easy to work with and this seems to be a good time filler while your hair is drying. Chit Chat assumes you shampoo your hair at home like all we working gals do. Now don’t try to file and shape the nails immediately because they will be too soft. Just wait ‘til they dry a little and be sure to use an emery board instead of a metal file. Chit Chat says if your nails have a tendency to split, draw the board across the nail from corner to center only and not back and forth. Sounds credible to me. Hope Chit Chat lets me know what I can do to keep my polish from peeling. I’ll keep you posted.
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